Monday, May 24, 2010

I Label and Its Because I'm Judgmental

I love the labels function on Blogspot. Many bloggers, I find, underutilize them, thus neglecting them as a potential source of expression themselves. Bloggers should approach the labels function so as to exploit the ways in which the labels can further the goals - substantive as well as aesthetic - of the blog itself.

This blog, for example, is meant to capture the random folderol of a Philly lawyer. That is a goal of great scope (though, I regret to inform, little depth). If I meet my goal, it would mean creating a blog that covers a large number of topics. If I limited my labels to only a few topics, however, it would mean that my blog only covers a few topics, and that it was not adequately capturing the wide array of drivel sloshing around in my head. I know, therefore, that my labels list must be long - this explains, for instance, why I have a label for "yo-yos." (It's a really funny video.)

Basically, I use the length of my labels list as a barometer for how random and diverse I'm being - how well I'm meeting my goal.

I also gauge the spread of my topics by keeping an eye on the number of posts to which each label applies. If "admin" predominates, then this blog is a complete waste of time and would be burned in a pyre with witches' clothes and Beatles records if, you know, we did that sort of thing anymore. (We don't, right?) "Politics" is a good one for the lead in the count. And as for that "yo-yos" label, I really, really hope I can get that out of just one count - I find the coverage of yo-yo news by the MSM to be woefully inadequate.

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