Tuesday, August 31, 2010
"Thank you for explaining that the amount correctly corresponds with a number you have based it on."
Fact. I Heard It Somewhere.
You Can't Argue With Statistics
Just sitting there, you were ‘disordered’.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
In Praise of Dirty People
It's Because It Starts to Mean More
Ridiculously Adorable
And Now, Some Humor
To Those Catholics Who Fulminate Against the Building of a Mosque Near the World Trade Center Site
"Overall, we can confidently say that well over 100,000 people are sexually abused in American detention facilities every year."
Scott was a gay, non-violent, first-time inmate in a Colorado prison when he was targeted by members of the “2-11 crew,” a white supremacist gang with over 1,000 members in prisons throughout the state. For two years he was forced into prostitution by the gang’s leaders, repeatedly raped and made to perform oral sex. Even after he told prison staff that he was being raped and needed protection from the gang, Scott was told that nothing could be done unless he named his abusers—even though they had threatened to kill him if he did. Because Scott is openly gay, some officials blamed him for the attacks, saying that as a homosexual he should expect to be targeted by one gang or another. And by his account, even those officers who were not hostile didn’t know how to respond to his reports, because appropriate procedures were not in place. They failed to take even the most basic measures to protect him.
Ultimately, despite his fear, Scott did identify some of the gang members who had raped him. Not only did the prison authorities again fail to respond, they later put Scott in a holding cell with one of his previous assailants on the day he was to be released from state custody. Again, he was beaten and forced to perform oral sex. Scott had a civil lawsuit settled in his favor recently, winning financial damages and seventeen policy changes that will now become mandatory in the Colorado prison system. Otherwise, however, nothing about his story is unusual.
[The new rules should not] impose substantial additional costs compared to the costs presently expended by Federal, State, and local prison authorities.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Dreyfus Undying
This Week in Non-News
Light, Sky, and Color
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I, for One, Welcome Our New Mushroom Overlords
Can't Believe I Missed This
A "Disgrace"
Monday, August 23, 2010
Game Corner
North Korea Is Gay and Has No Friends
Philly Sucks
Reading 'Round the World
Same-Sex Marriage, State-by-State
- In 1994-96, same-sex marriage enjoyed majority support in exactly zero states. The highest level of support at that time was in New York, with 39% in favor. (A bill to permit same-sex marriage recently died in that state's senate.) In 2010, by contrast, a majority supports same-sex marriage in 17 states - including 5 of the 30 states that have passed constitutional amendments banning gay marriage. Today, pride of place goes to Massachusetts, with 62% in support. In Pennsylvania, support is currently at 51% - better than I would have guessed from Pennsyltucky. (Support in the actual Kentucky is a tepid 31%.)
- Interestingly, support for gay marriage is above 33% (i.e., a third) in a whopping 41 states, including 21 of the 30 states that have passed discriminatory constitutional amendments. That surprised me. In 1994-96, it was above a third in only three states: New York, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Of those three, however, only Connecticut now recognizes gay marriage - though they are all in the top four of supporters (along with Vermont).
- The average increase over the past 14 to 16 years is 18.12%. (I know, I know, the median increase is the better figure to use here, but I'm lazy.) No state saw a decline in support; every state saw an increase. The greatest increase (29%) came in Massachusetts; the smallest (9%), Alabama - but even there, gay marriage is now supported by 26% of the population. Alabama is as liberal today on this issue as the 23 most liberal states were in 1994-96.
- In those five states that now recognize gay marriage, support has risen by an average of 24.6%. Even in states that have discriminatory constitutional amendments, support for gay marriage has risen by an average of 11.6%. These two facts bolster what conventional wisdom suggests: winning the war for hearts and minds leads to reform, sooner or later. In other words - don't be discouraged by New York, New Jersey, etc.; reform there will come eventually. As for the rest of the states, the focus must be on convincing the public.
- To get a proper gauge on what the "will of the people" is, we would have to know what percentage of people disapprove of gay marriage in each state. But I think it's pretty clear that, unless we're talking about Utah or another one of the knuckle-dragging states, there is no consensus in opposition to gay marriage and a "will of the people" argument against it is a canard. (To say nothing of the fact that majority opinion has diddly-squat to do with fundamental rights anyway.)
- Lastly, these figures do not include the District of Columbia, which approved gay marriage this year.
A Tail Tale
Things That Shouldn't Be But Are
HT: TDW. (You were expecting maybe CNN?)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Is Literary Parody Just a Form of "Emotional Vulgarism"?
Which prompts - what else? - a parody, somewhat arbitrarily in the manner of Coleridge:
It is an ancient scrivener,
And he stoppeth one of three.
He asks, is parody high or low?
"Yes," replies Perry.
None of which is to say that he's wrong, mind you.
The Sienese Palio
Here's video number one, the parade of my adopted Sienese neighborhood (Nicchio):
And here's video number two, of the victor being paraded around the city's narrow streets:
Sadly, my neighborhood didn't win. Surprise, surprise! At least I got some eye candy at the end of it all.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Prop 8 Eats It in Cali
Here's the ruling.