Saturday, May 29, 2010
Cocktail of the Day
"Wild Asian Ass"
Poem of the Day
Friday, May 28, 2010
Great Moments in Douchebaggery
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Oh Dear
Let's Go Over This Again
So Kids in the UK Are Now Drinking Vodka Through Their Eyeballs
Obama Promises an "Official Response" on Sestak
Uganda: Why Stop with the Gays? Kill Their Straight Friends Too!
- Suggesting that a gay friend should have gay sex.
- Failing to turn in someone who has had gay sex, within 24 hours of learning about it.
- Failing to turn in someone who failed to turn in someone who has had gay sex, within 24 hours of learning about it.
The impression is that we are after gays, want to kill them. That's what they've been told out there. And the truth isn't that. What we are seeking to do is to make a statement for our society: homosexuality is an abomination.
Stuck in My Head
Drawing Mohammed
Support the Troops - Unless They're Gay
Burning Question
Bullshit on Parade
What Is The Point of Nick Clegg?
Yes, he'll be like some Vice-Presidents but, since that job has grown in recent times, that's not, as the Americans say, chopped liver.
Scalia Praises Kagan's Lack of Judicial Experience
“When I first came to the Supreme Court, three of my colleagues had never been a federal judge,” said Scalia who joined the Court in 1986 after being nominated by President Reagan. “William Rehnquist came to the Bench from the Office of Legal Counsel. Byron White was Deputy Attorney General. And Lewis Powell who was a private lawyer in Richmond and had been president of the American Bar Association.”
“Currently, there is nobody on the Court who has not served as a judge --indeed, as a federal judge -- all nine of us,” he continued. “. . . I am happy to see that this latest nominee is not a federal judge – and not a judge at all.”
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The Tightening Noose
"Over the Top"
How Many Jacksons Did Jackson Have?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Proust = Poseur?
I Am So Gay for Proust
I said to myself: "Here I am: this is the Church of Balbec. This square, which looks as though it were conscious of its glory, is the only place in the world that possesses Balbec Church. All that I have seen so far have been photographs of this church—and of these famous Apostles, this Virgin of the Porch, mere casts only. Now it is the church itself, the statue itself; these are they; they, the unique things--this is something far greater."
It was something less, perhaps, also. As a young man on the day of an examination or of a duel feels the question that he has been asked, the shot that he has fired, to be a very little thing when he thinks of the reserves of knowledge and of valour that he possesses and would like to have displayed, so my mind, which had exalted the Virgin of the Porch far above the reproductions that I had had before my eyes, inaccessible by the vicissitudes which had power to threaten them, intact although they were destroyed, ideal, endowed with universal value, was astonished to see the statue which it had carved a thousand times, reduced now to its own apparent form in stone, occupying, on the radius of my outstretched arm, a place in which it had for rivals an election placard and the point of my stick, fettered to the Square, inseparable from the head of the main street, powerless to hide from the gaze of the Café and of the omnibus office, receiving on its face half of that ray of the setting sun (half, presently, in a few hours' time, of the light of the street lamp) of which the Bank building received the other half, tainted simultaneously with that branch office of a money-lending establishment by the smells from the pastry-cook's oven, subjected to the tyranny of the Individual to such a point that, if I had chosen to scribble my name upon that stone, it was she, the illustrious Virgin whom until then I had endowed with a general existence and an intangible beauty, the Virgin of Balbec, the unique (which meant, alas, the only one) who, on her body coated with the same soot as defiled the neighbouring houses, would have displayed--powerless to rid herself of them--to all the admiring strangers come there to gaze upon her, the marks of my piece of chalk and the letters of my name; it was she, indeed, the immortal work of art, so long desired, whom I found, transformed, as was the church itself, into a little old woman in stone whose height I could measure and count her wrinkles.
Palin Knows Shit About [Blank]
The Tipping Point Was Obama's Election
Love. It.
Lame-Ass Portmanteau Words
Acting as the bagman for payola to the royal family?
The corruption never ends in the Unlimited Krimedom.
Scarface Is a Perfectly Acceptable Person for Lawyers to Emulate
Eating My Bakula Now
God, how I love the nutty, honeyed goodness of Scott Bakula. He should change his name to Scott Crackula.
Monday, May 24, 2010
It's Haiku Time!
Freudian Slip of the Day
My List of Blog Posts Is Almost Exactly Like My Browser History
Some Photos
Update: Here's another one I took last Tuesday; it was Election Day, and it was in fact the very first time I had voted in my life! I took it on the sly in my polling place, right next to the voting machines. Yes, it shows the American flag sitting on top of a Bible. Yes, in a polling place.